
Provider Groups Turn to Landmark to Effectively Extend High-touch, 高使用率的家庭医疗护理

初级保健组织正在发展. Fee-for-service (FFS) models pressure primary care providers (PCPs) to provide more services to more patients in less time. 与一个 pcp短缺迫在眉睫, and growing need among aging baby boomers for increased healthcare services, many PCP groups are shifting from FFS reimbursement to newer value-based care models – with shared savings or global risk arrangements – as  a means of better caring for their patients, 尤其是在他们的小组里.

自2014年以来, Landmark Health and its affiliated medical groups (Landmark) have delivered comprehensive in-home medical care to 老年人 through value-based relationships with health plans. As more provider organizations begin to bear risk over their patient populations, Landmark is able to bring their specialized expertise in geriatric care management to these groups.

pcp转向基于价值的模式, building the resources and relationships to effectively manage patient care to improve quality and reduce spending is paramount. Landmark’s expertise in reducing costs for 8-10% of the population that drives 50% of costs gives provider organizations the confidence that they can appropriately manage their full patient panel, 包括他们最脆弱的, 并在新环境中取得成功.



The average Landmark patient is 79 years old, with eight chronic health conditions. 有400多家供应商执行335,每年上门服务超过000次, Landmark has developed deep expertise in caring for complex, 老年人.

在基于价值的模型中, 结果很重要——Landmark已经证明了这一点, 在规模, 以50%至60%的比率吸引会员, 减少39%的急诊室就诊1, reduce unnecessary hospital admissions by 28%[1],使死亡率降低26%2 降低20%的成本[2]. All while delivering some of the strongest patient satisfactions scores in the industry.

11 Million Americans Need a New Model of Care    

According to CMS, 17% of Medicare beneficiaries have six or more chronic diseases. That is over 11 million Americans who need advanced primary care models today, to ensure they can live their lives and not worry about their medical conditions.

作为美国.S. faces a growing ‘Silver Tsunami’ of older Americans, the lack of broad in-home infrastructure will become a desperate gap in the care older patients need. 65岁以上老年人的人口是 预计增长 from 8% of the world’s population in 2015 to 13% in 2035. Now is the time to invest in a healthcare system that works for all patients, especially those with the highest needs and driving the majority of healthcare costs.


Covid-19 is Accelerating the Trend Toward In-home Medical Care

Landmark sees the future of health care in the home. 大流行期间, consumers began demanding care delivered safely to them at home through house calls or virtual telemedicine visits. While this trend is accelerated due to patient concerns about entering crowded health facilities dealing with the coronavirus, longer term the health benefits of convenient, consistent and coordinated medical care from home will have staying power.

亚马逊, Instacart, and Netflix have transformed their respective industries over the past decade, 还有医疗保健——例行公事, preventive and minor urgent issues – will need follow the trend toward home-based consumption to meaningfully reach patients and drive better outcomes.



Landmark已经发展到覆盖超过114个,000人的生命, with at least a 30% year-over-year growth rate over the past three years. 自大流行开始以来, 需求以公司的价值为基础, in-home medical care has increased even more. With more than seven years of operational experience in this emerging area of health care, Landmark is positioned to be a go-to partner for risk-bearing entities looking to bend the cost curve on their most complex patients while driving improved safety and satisfaction.




[1] For Landmark patients in the first six months of engagement compared to the trend in utilization for statistically matched non-engaged patients. 楚,Lihao. A House-Call program that reduces unnecessary variation in utilization and spending among patients with poly chronic conditions. Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, June 25 2018, Seattle, WA. 未发表的会议论文. Landmark Health, LLC, Huntington Beach, 2018. 打印.

[2] 曼库索年代.麦克雷DC.,朱丽.Roch-Levecq AC.丹尼·J., A home-based program that extends life and reduces cost. Poster presented at: Center to Advance Palliative Care National Seminar; 2019 Nov 12-14; Atlanta, GA. 未发表的会议论文. Landmark Health, LLC,亨廷顿海滩,2019年. 打印.